Every now and then we get the vintage-buying-bug. You know the one, where you want to forget about Swedish flat pack furniture and dive deep into the dusty world of antiques until your home looks like the Palace of Versailles.

We tend to mostly keep our eye out for artwork. Recently, we purchased some creepy antique portraits from Oil Archive at the Peckham Salvage Yard which we’ve started to believe are so haunted that they’re still suffocating in bubble wrap and kept hostage in the sideboard. But sometimes we also find ourselves hunting for old armchairs that we have every intention to reupholster. And then there’s the odd decorative piece, such as the old bust of Voltaire which we picked up from Lola & SiDney (again, definitely thought he was haunted for a few weeks).

But it was during lockdown that we found ourselves with an itch that we couldn’t scratch. Like many interior nuts out there, we missed flea markets, vintage yards and fairs. Even if we didn’t buy anything, we missed the thrill of scanning a table at an antique fair, eyes darting back and forth in the hope of finding some treasure. We missed the buzz of haggling at a car boot trying to get a 70p plate down to 50p JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN. We missed the smell of an antique store, something between your granny’s carpet and sticking your head into the pages of an old book. So off we went, on a search to find lockdown loot to fill the void and what did we find? Instagram pages dedicated to bringing you gorgeous vintage finds and one-off interior pieces!

We actually debated whether to do this post as we definitely might have wanted to keep these all to ourselves. But sharing is caring! So here are our top five Instagram profiles for vintage & antique homewares to shop right now, all from the comfort of your own home and with no need for a pesky mask…

The Old Potato Store

We love this page so much that we have notifications set for when new posts go live. Yes, that’s right, we’re THAT keen to get our hands on some goodies. Ran by stylist Karen Barlow, there’s everything here, from vintage floral paintings to Japanese storage boxes.

Faulkner & Finch

Art lovers, this one is for you. Faulkner & Finch has a beautiful array of vintage, antique and contemporary art. You’ll find it all here – landscapes, portraits, still life, abstract, floral, retro, the list goes on.

Reclectic Vintage Interiors

Much like The Old Potato Store, owner Tamara finds an amazing selection of vintage and antique accessories, art and furniture.

Goose Home & Garden

These guys stock plenty of ‘rustic timeworn treasures’ including shelves and cabinets. If you’re a “shabby chic” lover (is that still a thing? Have we just said a dirty word?) then this place is for you. Lots of gorgeously worn wares with a feeling of coastal charm.

1010 Vintage

As the bio says, “seller of the old & interesting” and it certainly is that! You’ll find weird and wonderful treasures here like old toys, tins, books, religious paraphernalia and art that will have you scrolling and scrolling until your thumb goes numb. Enjoy!

And there you have it, five shoppable Instagram pages to get your vintage homeware and antique furniture fix. Follow, set post notifications and let’s play a game of who can buy first. Bet you we’ll win.

Ready, steady, vintage…
David & Mark x

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